International Class PHSG

International Class 

The University of Teacher Education (PHSG) offers an International Class during the spring semester. PHSG welcomes teacher education students from all over the world.

General Information 

Find out more about the Rorschach and St. Gallen area.

Useful information & links for exchange students studying in Switzerland:

The ESNbooklet is a Guide for Exchange Students in Switzerland. It offers students from abroad who are going to study in Switzerland for some time a lot of useful information, tips and more. Would you like to know more about Swiss culture, cost of cinema, financial matters, Swiss food, do's and don'ts....? Just go and have a look at the following link! It shows you the latest edition of this interesting booklet.

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International Office

Pädagogische Hochschule St.Gallen
Hochschulgebäude Mariaberg
Seminarstrasse 27
9400 Rorschach

Opening hours

Montag bis Freitag

08.00 - 12.00 Uhr
13.00 - 16.30 Uhr
