Lebenswelten Berufslernender (LEBEL) PHSG

Living environments of apprentices (LEBEL)

The project examines living environments of adolescents with a special focus on their involvement in vocational education and training and their role as apprentices.

The overall aim consists in a detailed description and an in-depth analysis of different aspects of living environments of apprentices (e.g., value orientations, occupational preferences, challenges in professional and private life, risk behaviour). For this purpose, data will be collected from apprentices and their teachers. On the one hand, the results are intended to provide an empirical basis for answering research questions. On the other hand, they form the footing for the teaching in the BKU programme (upper-secondary level). The project thus contributes to linking research and teaching at the PHSG.

Institute Institute of Research on Teaching Profession and on Development of Competencies
Head Prof. Dr Anja Gebhardt
Team Han Sam Quach, Nathalie Rüsch
Duration 1 January 2018 – 31 December 2019
Financing PHSG

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