
ITBO - Sub-project: Transversal skills

Based on the assumption that in order to cope with the challenges of the digitalised society, not only subject-specific and digital competences are necessary, but also generic competences. This project will develop, test and evaluate instruments for assessing and teaching  transversal skills.

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Project overview

The project includes three central components:

  • The development of questionnaire instruments for the survey of generic competences,
  • The development and implementation of teaching concepts for promting the development of transversal skills.
  • The development of a digital application environment, hosting questionnaires and teaching materials and supporting the knowledge transfer into practice.

The project activities are planned to meet the real world needs of primary schools. Accordingly, a number of schools engange with the project throught the various project phases.

This ITBO sub-project was approved for implementation by the project and programme committee on 31.08.2020.

Phase A: Development of assessment instruments

Existing concepts and theories of transversal skills as well as assessment methodologies are analysed and consolidated. In close cooperation with partnering schools, instruments will then be developed and evaluated with which the students' transversal skills can be assessed and evaluated in relation to the curriculum of the canton of St.Gallen.

Phase B: Development of teaching concepts

For the targeted support of students' development of transversal skills, teaching concepts are developed in a close exchange with teachers. Subsequently these concepts are implemented and tested in terms of their efficacy and efficiency.  The teaching concepts will represent practicable and effective ways of promoting transversal skills in school education.

Phase C: Digital application environment and transfer

A digital application environment will be developed  to support the asssessment, the analysis and the student feedback in the development of transversal skills. The questionnaire instruments and teaching concepts will be made available to schools via this application environment.

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Project schedule at a glance

Project objective: Within the scope of the ITBO sub-project is the development of assessment instruments and teaching concepts for supporting students' development of transversal skills.

August 2020 The sub-project was confirmed by the Project and Programme Committee.
June 2021 Inventory for understanding, assessing and promoting transversal skills.
April 2023 Development and validation of instruments for the assessment of transversal skills

December 2024

Development and implementation of teaching concepts for the promotion of transversal skills
October 2025 Application environment with instruments and teaching concepts are available to schools in the canton of St. Gallen

Participating institute of the PHSG:

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Insights and products 

A central objective of ITBO and its sub-projects targeting primary and secondary schools is a low-barrier and timely access to knowledge and tools for teachers and school leaders. zITBOx is a knowledge transfer and network platform. It enables practicioners to access up-to-date information and insights. The project team as well as school teachers share experiences and success stories from the project work. 

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Zentrum Digitalisierung und Bildung

Pädagogische Hochschule St. Gallen
Müller-Friedberg-Strasse 34
9400 Rorschach

Opening hours

Montag bis Freitag
08.00 - 12.00 Uhr
13.00 - 17.00 Uhr


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